Behind the Scenes: Learn My Story

When I was five years old I told my aunt that "when I grow up I want to be a white girl". I told her this because I had just seen a hair commercial where a beautiful white woman was swinging her hair, smiling and happy, and I wanted to have long beautiful hair like hers. My aunt told me that I didn't have to be white to have long pretty hair and that my hair can grow long and beautiful too. So for most of my life, I tried to tame my kinky-curly hair t achieve long straight hair like the woman in that commercial.
   Growing up in America I was told that my natural afro hair was unprofessional and unattractive. It wasn't until years later when my husband saw my hair for the first time and fell in love with it that I learned to finally appreciate it. I realized that I had been influenced by the media to hate my hair and strive to achieve a white standard of beauty. I decided I was no longer going to hide my natural hair by wearing wigs and hair weaves but wear my natural hair and start my natural hair journey.  I later started looking for products that would work best for my natural hair and was disappointed to find a small selection of cheap, l products made with toxic ingredients. Most of the brands on the market that were selling "natural" hair care were selling perms a few years ago and I didn't trust them. That was when I decided to research what ingredients work best for my natural tresses and formulated my products.
   Another turning point in my life was during my pregnancy with my first child when I discovered the harmful chemicals in bath and body products for adults and babies. I was very health conscious and didn't want to put products on my skin that were harmful to me and my baby. I then decided to take a soap-making class along with researching natural herbs, botanicals, oils, and different kinds of butter. I later formulated nourishing, lush skincare.
   Black hair has been considered unattractive and unprofessional but I desire to eliminate the negative stigmas and give black women a product they can use to help maintain and love their natural hair. I have a passion to encourage black women to wear their natural hair, love their natural selves, and be who they are. I believe in growing your natural hair while growing your self-worth.
   That is why with JOSHICA BEAUTY we celebrate black natural hair and clean beauty by offering haircare for 4C natural hair and a selection of clean beauty made with natural organic ingredients.
Find out about how JOSHICA BEAUTY, here. Â