New Natural Hair Style and New Joshica Beauty



I did the big chop!

I did the big chip and now I have my new TWA and I love it. It's so easy to take care of, just wash and go, literally, and my hair is so much healthier and it's growing so fast. When I was getting my hair cut I noticed my hair was a lot healthier than I thought.  It was super shiny and soft and curly and I was like why did I realized this when it was on my head. When it was on my head it felt like it was rough and tough to maintain, but anyway. To anyone who is considering going natural and doing the big chop or starting over with the TWA I say, go for it. This is my second time big chop the first time was by mistake. I had some relaxed ends and I wanted to go natural so I started growing out my hair and then when i went to the salon she cut off the relaxed ends and then all of a sudden my hair just shrunk up into this  small TWA and I was so mad because I felt she cut off more then she should have, but no that was the first time I discovered shrinkage and so that was the first time I did the big chop, by accident. But this time I did it on purpose and I am so loving it and I feel the TWA is the best stage of natural hair. So anyone who's going natural, check out a blog that I wrote about that and how the TWA and the big chop  is the best part of the journey and its also the easiest 

So aside from the new me there's a new Joshica Beauty. As you all know Im back in business. I took a small break last year and most of this year because of the pandemic now I'm open for business, so I consider this a soft open, but Im going to be officially launching some new products and some exciting things for next year in the Spring of 2021, so make sure you subscribe to the newsletters and follow me on social media @joshicabeauty to get all the latest news and updates. Make sure you guys follow me on Twitter I have a new Twitter is called 1joshicabeauty its @1joshicabeauty, so that's the new Twitter. And I will see you guys in the next video. Buy

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