4 Things to add to your natural hair + self care goals for the new year

Happy New Year Naturals!

Best wishes to you in your natural hair journey. This year I know many of you have natural hair goals you have to accomplish whether waist length hair, length retention, moisture retention, big chop, recovering from heat damage, protective styling etc. All of this can be accomplished this year with new or improved techniques. Time to ring in the new year with new self care goals. So, ditch your old ways from your regimen and unnecessary products from your stash, let's start  the new year afresh.



What should you incorporate into my natural hair goals?
1. Natural hair regimen

For the new year, your natural hair routine might need to be revamped. Simply start simply by washing your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo while massaging your scalp, finger detangling with a conditioner that has great slip and deep conditioning using a fortifying deep conditioner and covering with a plastic cap. Then, dry your hair with a cotton t-shirt to reduce frizz.  Moisturize and seal using the L.O.C or L.C.O method with a water based moisturizer and a penetrating oil or heavy sealant. Styling options can be a low manipulation or protective style. From this simple regimen, you can then tailor it to the needs of your hair and add things to it like massaging your scalp with an oil mixture for more growth, doing more protective styles in order to retain length, moisturizing mid-week because your hair gets dry or by using different products. These are some great ways to start achieving your goals.

2. Body Care

Now that you've set realistic goals for your hair growth and maintenance journey it's time to set goals for your health. One way to help you achieve healthy hair and the results that you want is by properly caring for your body. I know this may be a hard task because of the temptation of junk food, but you need to eat healthier and exercise this year for your hair and body's sake.  Drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables will not only contribute to the overall health of your body but your hair; especially for hair growth. You can eat more foods rich in protein like nuts and eggs and my personal favorite, avocado because it's rich in vitamin B which is great for healthy hair, skin and nails.  Also, don't forget to exercise, ideally 4-5 times a week, but you can start with 2-3 times per week just to get you going. 


How do you set and accomplish your natural hair goals for the year?

3. Set mini-goals

Set mini goals to complete your big goal. This allows you to be specific with the goals you want to achieve. If you want to achieve waist length hair by this year, set specific mini-goals to reach the goal with steps and actions that you plan to take. For example, mini goals such as growing  1 ½  inches of hair this month, doing the inversion method (spending a few minutes upside down to increase the bloodflow to your scalp), massaging your scalp everyday or taking your hair vitamins or pills on a regular basis and protective styling to help retain the length. Then, check them off as you accomplish them. Setting mini goals help you to achieve your main goal easier and faster.

 4. Self Love

This goal should be at the top of everyone's hair resolutions and goals. This way it's all about loving yourself, including your hair. Your wash and go may not have as much definition as another girl, your braidout may not last as long as someone else's or your hair won’t grow as fast as other naturals. Looking at natural hair people for inspiration is great but don’t be envious of their hair. Hair envy is a real thing and it shouldn’t be done by any naturalista. Whether your hair is coily or kinky, we should love our edges, kitchen, coils and kinks for what it is. Remember everyone’s hair is different.

I hope these tips will help you with your natural hair goals. I truly hope this is a fruitful year in your natural hair journey. Don’t forget to stay consistent with these practices by visiting your goals on a daily basis or on every wash day, by posting them on your mirror, desk or phone.

What are your natural hair goals for the new year?


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