Understanding Hair Porosity
Now that we are learning how to maintain black natural hair we are starting to learn more about hair in general. Many women may find that their natural hair is too much to manage because it is too dry and it is hard to find a product that will work on their hair. When they apply product to their hair it doesn't penetrate the hair or they might need to apply a copious amount of product in order for their hair to stay moisturized. Well, one of the reasons your natural hair might be dry is due to the fact that you have low or high porosity hair, which means the hair shafts are either too open or closed, which then effects the way moisture penetrates the hair. The goal is to maintain medium hair porosity so that your hair retains the right amount of moisture and doesn't look and feel dry. Determining you hair's porosity is easy and finding ways to maintain normal or meduim hair porosity is as simple as using the right products for your hair. Read more to find out how you can test your hair's porosity and things you can do to help it return back to normal.