Go Natural

I decided to "return natural" or start my "natural hair journey" when I was in high school. Then when I joined the United State Air Force I decided to use a chemical relaxer to straighten my hair and wear wigs for easier maintenance. I finally decided to do "the big chop" while I was still in the military and decided to wear my short afro for a moment but that began to change as my afro grew bigger and bigger, then I decided to cover it up again this time due to military hair restrictions.  It wasn't until 2013, with the encouragement of my husband, that I finally decided to stop covering up and straitening my natural hair.  Ever since I decided to parade my beautiful big curly tresses it has given me a new level of confidence and the ability to really be myself.  It's that level of confidence and love for self that I encourage other kinky-curly-haired women like me to achieve by going natural.  

Go Natural with JOSHICA BEAUTY.


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